Kells Lane Primary School

Our school website contains a wealth of information about our school including the values and ethos that underpin all that we do. Should you have any further questions or would like to visit the school, please contact our main school office, who will be happy to help.


About Us

The pupils at Kells Lane are at the heart of everything we do and we pride ourselves on offering a warm, nurturing and inclusive school where all children can achieve. Choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions to make. The experiences children have in primary school will stay with them for the rest of lives and we aim to nurture in all children a lifelong love of learning. Here at Kells Lane, we work in partnership with families to ensure every child reaches their full potential.



Your child will start school at the beginning of the academic year in which they will reach the age of five. (An academic year lasts from 1 September in one year to 31 August in the following year). However in many schools the first year will include an induction period, (a period for your child to get used to school life). This period may last from September until no later than the end of the October half term holiday. Parents who wish to defer their child’s entry beyond this period must make this request in writing at the time of application for admission to school. Deferred entry must not extend beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s 5th birthday, or beyond the academic year for which the application was accepted. Deferred entry will be considered by us the local authority (LA) in consultation with the Head Teacher and governors of the school.